“Follow Me” BY Malusi Skunyana
Read Luke 5:27, 28
LUKE 5:27. And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me.
LUKE 5:28 And he left all, rose up, and followed him.
Jesus appeals to every living human being to follow Him and one’s response to this appeal will determine his destiny. Here there is no middle ground; you are either with Christ or against Him. Everyone is called upon to decide whether he will accept Jesus as his personal Saviour or will reject Him as an imposter. The call to follow Jesus takes one out of his comfort zone and forces him to evaluate what is more valuable to him, whether it is earthly treasures and pleasures or the heavenly inheritance and eternal life.
In the above text the call of Jesus comes to Levi, also known as Matthew (Matthew 9:9; 10:3), and he immediately responds and follows Jesus. Matthew’s job as a tax collector was to sit at a booth collecting taxes from businessmen. In the days of Jesus tax collectors were the most hated Roman officials in Palestine. The Jews regarded tax collectors as instruments of Roman oppression and extortioners that sought to enrich themselves by charging a higher toll than required by law. A Jew employed by the Roman government in this office was looked upon as a traitor. Matthew belonged to this class.
Luke records that when Jesus called Matthew he “left all” and followed Him. There was no hesitation, no questions asked, no thought of where the next salary would come from. For Matthew to forsake his business, his life, and follow Jesus on the spot told of a remarkable faith. Matthew had obviously had a unique experience with God. He followed Jesus because instantly his faith told him that He was the Promised Messiah. Having made the decision to follow Christ, Matthew never turned back. Later on in his spiritual journey, having been with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, Matthew could write the life-changing gospel credited to him. Matthew continued to lift up the banner of Christ fearlessly even at the peril of his life until his life ended. Tradition holds it that Matthew was slain with a sword in Ethiopia for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Dear friend, the invitation of Jesus, “Follow Me,” is still given today, and the question is, will you accept it? Jesus still calls on you and I to follow Him, and neither earthly ties nor any considerations should deter us from accepting the call. In this matter eternal interests are involved, and it is in our best interest to choose Jesus above anything and anyone else. Jesus offers something better than this world’s goods; He offers eternal life. Power, prosperity, and pleasures of this world are nothing compared to the heavenly inheritance that awaits the children of God. Why not respond to Jesus’ call and follow Him? Will you not choose Jesus? May God bless you! Amen!