Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Mfuleni Adventist Church Sharing the message of hope in and around the Community of Mfuleni, Cape Town.


About Us

Welcome to Mfuleni Adventist Church website!

We are a body of Christian believers who believe in the one true God, whom we worship on His 7th day Sabbath, and we embrace the hope of the Second Coming of Jesus. We are part of the global family of the nearly 20 million Seventh-day Adventists around the world.

Our Mission
The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to call all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced in the three angels’ messages [Revelation 14:6–12], and to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.

Our Method
Guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Seventh-day Adventists pursue this mission through Christlike living, communicating, discipling, teaching, healing, and serving.

Our Vision
In harmony with the Bible’s revelations, Seventh-day Adventists see as the climax of God’s plan the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.

Our Identity
The Seventh-day Adventist Church sees itself as the remnant church of end-time Bible prophecy. Members of the church, individually and collectively, understand their special role as ambassadors of God’s kingdom and as messengers of the soon return of Jesus Christ. Seventh-day Adventists have enlisted as coworkers with God in His mission of reclaiming the world from the power and presence of evil, as part of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. Therefore, every aspect of a church member’s life is influenced by the conviction that we live in the last days described in Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. Seventh-day Adventists are called by God to live in this world. Every action of the Christian life is done “in the name of Jesus” and to advance His kingdom.
© 2015, Mfuleni Seventh-day Adventist Church. All Rights Reserved.